Subject Categories
International Journal of Computer Science and Applications
International Journal of Social Sciences
International Journal of Home Economics
International Journal of Women Studies

Number of issues per year: 2
ISSN: 0974-1003 (Print)
ISSN: 0974-1011 (Online-Open Access)
Subscription for Individuals: 2400 INR Out Side India: US$900
Subscription for Institutes: 4800 INR Out Side India: US$1200
Price for single copy: 500 INR Out Side IndiaaUS$80
Dr. Rajiv V. Dharaskar
Executive Managing Editor
K. H. Walse 
Publishing Editor
K. H. Walse 

Dr M.S. Ali, India

Dr. V. M. Thakare, India

Dr. Sudip Misra , Canada
Dr. Sateesh K.S. India
Dr. Hong shen, Austrilia
Phalguni Gupta, India
Dr. M.V. Ananthakrishnan, India
Dr. T.K. Bose, USA
Dr. Shan Barkataki, USA
Dr. Anjan Bhaumik, USA
Kallol Borah, UK
Ganesh Manza, India
Dr. P Premchand, India
Pravin L. Yannawar, India
Dr. P Nagabhushan , India
Dr. Bapu B. Kiranagi, India
Nitin L.. Gavankar, India
Ms. Kanchan S. Deshmukh, India
Dr. Karbhari V. Kale, India
Dr.O.P.Vyas, India
Shivnand S. Gornale, India
Hemant Patil, India
Dr. Dinesh, India
Sudhaker Samuel, India
Dr.Prabhu G Benakop, India
Dr. Madhuri A. Joshi, India
Atul Negi, India
Bhausaheb Pawar, India
Dr Sanjeev Jain, India
Horia Pop, Romania
Dr. Michael Grottke, Germany
Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan, India
Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, India
Dr. Samrat Mukhopadhay, Portugal
Akshay Darbari, India
Krithi Ramamritam, India
Manish Gupta, India
Ramaswamy Palaniappan, UK
Dr Dhruba Kr Bhattacharyya India
M.Murugappan, Malaysia
Dr. K.S. Sateesh, India
Dr Anirban Basu, India
Nileshsingh Thakur, India
Sujata Dash, India
Dr.Basavaraj V. Dhandra, India
Dr. M. U. Kharat, India
Muriyankulangara Ananthakrishnan, India
Shesharao M. Wanjerkhede, India
Dr. Hema Shekar, India
Ganesh D. Bhutkar, India
Josep Llados, Spain
Kamalesh Kumar Sharms, India
Daniel Lopresti, USA
Dr. Sunita M. Mahajan , India
Dr. Arpita Gopal, India
Devulapalli Suryanarayana Murty, India
Dr.K.Ganesan, India
Kallol Borah, India
Dr. S.K.Shriwastava, India
Akhtar Husain, India
Dr. N.N.Jani, India
Dr C.N.Ravi Kumar, India
Dr. S.V. Dudul, India

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